Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis // Hello, Marissa Meyer?

Saturday 20 August 2016
Stitching Snow, by R.C. Lewis
Publication: October 14, 2014, by Disney-Hyperion
Genre: Young Adult Fiction, Science-Fictiom, Fantasy
Pages: 338
Format: Paperback
Source: Borrowed

Princess Snow is missing.
Her home planet is filled with violence and corruption at the hands of King Matthias and his wife as they attempt to punish her captors. The king will stop at nothing to get his beloved daughter back—but that’s assuming she wants to return at all.
Essie has grown used to being cold. Temperatures on the planet Thanda are always sub-zero, and she fills her days with coding and repairs for the seven loyal drones that run the local mines.
When a mysterious young man named Dane crash-lands near her home, Essie agrees to help the pilot repair his ship. But soon she realizes that Dane’s arrival was far from accidental, and she’s pulled into the heart of a war she’s risked everything to avoid. With the galaxy’s future—and her own—in jeopardy, Essie must choose who to trust in a fiery fight for survival.

My Thoughts:

Stitching Snow is just like any other fairy-tale retelling, stemming from a classic Disney-created story that everyone knows and has seen somewhere else. I tried to not believe the other reviewers who said that this is very similar to Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles series, and I tried to believe that this would have some different effect, give me something else, but it turned out to disappoint more than I would have ever imagined. Stitching Snow is too similar to the Lunar Chronicles, and even the publisher promised that on the back cover of the paperback edition. You would think that I would rate this five stars then, because I loved Cinder. You're horribly wrong if you think so. This book could have been good in my opinion if I decided to read this when it was newly released in October 2014. Two years later, and you have a chick reviewing it who doesn't like science-fiction anymore, per se. 

Oh no, Princess Snow is missing. That kind of wasn't the point of the book. This was just about some intergalactic tension that the author found to be interesting to place a kick-ass heroine in. Listen, I liked Essie. I liked her character and how she was able to fight men and have confidence even afterwards. We need more heroines like her. Essie was the highlight of the story to me because I just adored her personality. Everything else seemed too unauthentic, including the romance that was begging to be made between Essie and Dane. I just didn't like the tension that existed. Like, it tried too hard to happen. I imagine the author thinking, "romance" and then stapling it into the story. Shouldn't it happen in a flowing, ordinary way? There's nothing "unusual" about romance, authors.

I imagine me liking this back in the day. My thirteen-fourteen year old self would have adored the way the world-building was placed, the amount of different gadgets listed and how the world wasn't necessarily in our world, our universe. It was interesting to read about the climate of the planet that Essie was on, but nothing was unique compared to other dystopians. Was this even dystopian? I don't even know. It's just fantasy or something.

Yes, there were comparisons to the original story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. First of all, R.C. Lewis' definition of dwarfs are drones, which is really cute. Snow White is less cool than Essie, let's just say that. Thank goodness there was that highlight in this story. The villain, or antagonist, is obvious. Read the first few chapters and you'll know. 

What also frustrated me was Dane. I LIKED HIM BUT I ALSO DIDN'T. You know that feel? He originally seemed like this unusual visitor to where Essie lived, but I liked his personality, and it seemed that he and Essie clicked... like friends. It's just that he reveals this secret that "SHOCKS" us fairly quickly. By chapter four, we knew... and it was like there's nothing left for us to read.

I liked R.C. Lewis' writing, but at times it felt forced and that's not necessarily the type of feel I want when reading a novel, especially science-fiction. Stitching Snow was very unnatural. 

Stitching Snow is the perfect science-fiction for new book readers of YA. I think that it's most perfect for readers new to the genre and are looking for something good. I've read too many like this and it's seriously getting boring. We have a lovely heroine who really does act like a hero and deserves the title, and a romance that isn't too great and seems forced, though. It's whatever your opinion on these kinds of books are. Fairy-tale retellings are always supposed to be pretty good, too. This? So-so. 

What is your favourite science-fiction fairy-tale retelling, if you know any others? What is your favourite Disney movie?

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